Kathe Kollwitz- Kaitlin Droluk

 Misery (Not) (1897)

Kathe Kollwitz was a German artist who worked with painting, printmaking, and sculpture. She was an eloquent advocate for victims of social injustice, war, and inhumanity. Kollwitz’s first important work of art was, respectively entitled Weavers’ Revolt. In this picture of artwork, she portrayed the plight of the poor and oppressed with the powerfully simplified, boldly accentuated forms that became her trademark. She grieved the death of her youngest son (he died in battle) and expressed her grief through her art. I chose Misery (Not) from the Weaver’s Revolt collection. I love everything about this drawing. I love the emotion the mothers face gives off. Also, I really like how easy it is to follow the story behind this drawing. This drawing is a scene showing the death of her child from the deprivation of poverty. I love the shading and contrast in this drawing. 


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